What is Ecommerce
Overview - Wordpress - Paypal - Stripe - Clickbank

In its simplest form ecommerce is the buying and selling of products and services by businesses or consumers over the World Wide Web.

This is a complete collection of High Definition videos with step by step content. Here’s the breakdown:


  1. In Video #1:  (Above) You will learn what eCommerce is all about? We will cover topics like: What is it? Why should you get into it today? Why is it so hot? And how does it work?
  2. In Video #2: You will learn how can an existing offline business benefit from eCommerce? Here, we will cover topics like: What is a business? How can eCommerce help your Business? Where can you start? And what a successful Business’ eCommerce site looks like?
  3. In Video #3:You will learn how an independent professional offer can their services using the internet. Here, we will cover topics like: What is an Independent Professional? How can eCommerce help you as an Independent Professional? Where can you start? And what a successful Independent Professional’s eCommerce site looks like?
  4. In Video #4:You will learn how can an Online Marketer make tons of money selling online? Here, we will cover topics like: What is an Online Marketer? How can eCommerce help you as an Online Marketer? Where can you start? And what a successful Online Marketer’s eCommerce site looks like?
  5. In Video #5:You will learn about locating a ready-to-buy online audience. Here, we will cover topics like Market vs. Audience, Finding an audience, the 50% rule and the 3% rule.
  6. In Video #6:You will learn about the anatomy of a Profit-pulling eCommerce site. Here, we will cover topics like: The name, the homepage, the category menu, the product page, the checkout process and a customer service section.
  7. In Video #7: You will learn about choosing the right Domain and Hosting Service for eCommerce sites. Here, we will cover topics like: What is a Domain? What are the best Domain Solutions out there? What is Hosting? And what are the best Hosting solutions out there?
  8. In Video #8:You will learn about Template based platforms & WooCommerce for creating an eCommerce site. Here, we will cover topics like: Shopify, WooCommerce and Storenvy.
  9. In Audio #9:Audio only. You will learn about setting up an eCommerce site in 5 minutes or less with Shopify. Here, we will cover topics like: Why Shopify? And you’ll see how to set up an online store with Shopify in less than 5 minutes.
  10. In Video #10:You will learn about driving the right type of Traffic for eCommerce sites. Here, we will cover topics like: Create a content driven blog, Use Instagram influencers, Produce video campaigns, Add social media sharing buttons to your products, Join Facebook groups and Give away shared coupons.
  11. In Video #11: You will learn about tracking and analyzing your eCommerce prospects and customers’ behavior. Here, we will cover topics like: Tracking engagement, Measuring conversion, Long term measures, Google Analytics and RetentionGrid.
  12. In Video #12: You will learn about the 10 do’s you should consider for a successful eCommerce venture. These are specific things you should remember to use or practice, so you can succeed.
  13. In Video #13:You will learn about the 10 don’ts you should avoid for a profitable eCommerce venture. If you ignore these, be prepared to be disappointed.
  14. In Video #14:You will learn about premium eCommerce tools and services to consider. These are several tools dedicated to giving you highly useful services for your eCommerce site, so you can get the most out of it.
  15. In Video #15: You will get the chance to look at several Shocking eCommerce Case Studies. These are actual examples we have taken from the internet to show you how eCommerce actually works for other businesses, so you can have complete confidence in your ability to achieve your own business success story.

People use the term “ecommerce” or “online shopping” to describe the process of searching for and selecting products in online catalogues and then “checking out” using a credit card and encrypted payment processing.

Internet sales are increasing rapidly as consumers take advantage of:

* lower prices offered by vendors operating with less margin than a bricks and mortar store greater

* convenience of having a product delivered rather than the cost of time and transport and parking of going to a store sourcing product more cheaply from overseas vendors

* great variety and inventory offered by online stores

* comparison engines that compare and recommend product

* auction sites, where they bid for goods

The graph below shows increases in ecommerce spending in the last 4 years in Australia. This trend is set to continue with uncertain outcomes from traditional retailers. This is true in most economies in the world.

Benefits of E-Commerce

E-commerce can provide the following benefits over non-electronic commerce:

Reduced costs by reducing labour, reduced paper work, reduced errors in keying in data, reduce post costs

Reduced time. Shorter lead times for payment and return on investment in advertising, faster delivery of product

Flexibility with efficiency. The ability to handle complex situations, product ranges and customer profiles without the situation becoming unmanageable.

Improve relationships with trading partners. Improved communication between trading partners leads to enhanced long-term relationships.

Lock in Customers. The closer you are to your customer and the more you work with them to change from normal business practices to best practice e-commerce the harder it is for a competitor to upset your customer relationship.

New Markets. The Internet has the potential to expand your business into wider geographical locations.

I don’t process credit cards.

I let my merchant facility do it all for me. Handling other peoples Credit Card information can be a real nightmare. There are a lot of regulations if you store Peoples Credit Cards. Here in Australia you have to lock them up and store for 7 years.

Electronic commerce on the internet is a very interesting subject when you actually come to set up your own.

I spent a great deal of time investigating all the options.

This was especially so here in Australia because of the banking laws. It is important whatever country you live in to see an accountant to get the right information for keeping the appropriate records.

The solutions we are looking at are mainly based in the USA but work globally. You can also do a search for eCommerce and online payment processors in your particular country if you are going to sell mainly in your own country.

For solutions in your area you will have to do some personal research however what we have here will work in most places around the world.

Some 3 rd party merchant companies only deal in digital products. Others only deal in tangible products like CD’s books etc.

The only advise I can give is that you do your own homework and really search one out what you feel meets your requirements. Ok I know you want some advise so I will tell you what I use.

As this section is about business I noticed as I was doing my research that most successful businesses, whether online or off, utilized some sort of system.

This meant that what ever products were added they simply plugged them into the system. You can either get a full blown merchant facility or use third party ones which I discuss below. These are great if you are just starting and many of the top marketers still use these type of programs over a personal merchant facility.

No Internet business will work very well if you cannot collect and process credit cards.

I have been amazed at how many people have joined our businesses over the years and will not use their credit card. Security is not in the processing but what happens to the card at the other end and this is why we use Stripe, Clickbank or Paypal for your security and ours.

If you have your own merchant account or just want a free cart using one of the many 3rd party merchant facilities then we will show you a fantastic system you can set up.

It is an excellent service used by literally thousands of people around the world and it is free.

Merchant Account with Bank

This is probably the hardest one to set up unless your business has a good trading history. You will need a full business and marketing plan or some hefty capital to guarantee the account.

Banks offer two types of merchant accounts.

A standard merchant account

An online merchant account

Both are different facilities so if you have one does not necessarily mean you have the other. If you want to use this system contact your local bank for directions.

3rd Party Processors

These are companies that let you have an account and collect payments online and especially good for new online marketers. In fact most of the bigger marketers use these as well as they provide an excellent service and you can process thousands of dollars virtually no security.

The main ones we use are:




Amazon Payments

Each country also has its own specific gateways however we mainly will be using Paypal and Stripe because they will deposit directly into your bank account in most countries. Paypal is the easiest to use and so we will start with them.

We have a few workshops on exactly how to set it up and manage your sales.

What is Ecommerce

Overview - Wordpress - PaypalStripe - Clickbank


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