wptouch mobile pluginWhy is Mobile the biggest opportunity
with your business today?

Most businesses currently do not have a mobile optimized website even though the number of mobile Internet users is growing rapidly. Given that desktop websites are difficult to view on a mobile device all businesses will need to do this. You have an opportunity to sell when most have not done it yet!!

Search engines will increasingly give precedence to mobile optimized websites

Using a mobile to search the Internet is resulting in local searches for products and services that are acted on immediately. This is an attractive proposition to any business considering a mobile optimized website to engage with the local audience

Mobile applications are declining in usage, are difficult to update and a separate application is required for each platform. Web based mobile website searches are increasing, are accessible on any platform and can be updated in minutes. It is obvious where the future opportunity lies!!

Incidentally, if you’re considering a mobile app rather than a mobile website, Haines says to go for the website. “It really depends on the brand,” she says. “We think a mobile website is a must-have.” Haines says that for some brands, like news sites for instance, a mobile app makes sense, but otherwise, most users are going to look for you via their browser.

Mink agrees: “If you’re going to search for any type of business, you’re going to search the mobile web, not an app store,” he says. “People don’t look for apps that will give them information.”

Build A mobile Website for your business

About Online Template sites

A few people have asked about online template sites like Dudda etc and these are good however you have to pay monthly for their service and also you will be subject to any of their changes which can go against your business. Not only that but your traffic will help them and not you.

The three different Mobile systems

Html sites can be built by going to this website

PHP Template Mobile Website can be accessed here

A Wordpreess CMS mobile website can be built by going here

To get a mobile website for your business if you don’t want to do it your self just use the contact form or go here


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