Introduction – Brain Storming & Keywords – Books Magazines – Videos
Affiliate Products – Physical Products
When I was speaking at a conference I was asked to build a product on stage so I created a tutorial on how to make digital magazines for promoting your business or making them for customers. I did the research and laid out the product and made some videos (only one on stage)
When I got home I fleshed it all out and actually made the product. In this series we want to provide you you with some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
You can do our free digital magazine training by clicking on the button.
Product Creation can be as easy or as hard as you want.
In this module we will teach you the process of Product Creation such as ebooks, Digital Magazines, tutorials, how to manuals and much more.
The above is a tutorial I made for creating Digital magazines in early 2011 and it has made a nice continuous income and promoted other products for us and our clients.
It took me about 2 weeks of research and another week to make the videos and website.
How to develop products for your business requires you to use some of the great software and tools around most of which can be obtained free. We will go through them all in this module on Product Creation.
Here are some of the products you can create right now!
- Video tutorials for popular or free software.
- Audio Interviews of top people in your niche
- eBooks on how to do different things
- Affiliate Marketing sell other peoples products
- Private Label Resale Rights buy rights to sell products.
Just about any online system can make you successful if you have a lot of money to invest and 80 hours to work it every week, but that most definitely is NOT what I want.
This is all about having an Internet Lifestyle and the money that goes along with it.
Starting Out
When you first start it is a little like flying a plane.
The take off is where the plane expends the most energy and is the most dangerous time. If you set up your system right from the beginning then later it will be smooth flying.
When you understand a subject, you can make it simple.
Here are the five principles of being successful in your business.
Write all 5 out and post them on a post-it note right to your computer monitor. Type them up and post them on your fridge. Quote them till they’re memorized. Tattoo them on your arm.
OK, that last one may have been going a little too far, but you get the point.
If you want an Internet Lifestyle business, KNOW these keys. LIVE these keys.
Product Creation Idea 1 : Choose the Right Market Idea
Find out what people are already looking for online. Then sell it to them. Too many beginners ask the wrong question. They say, “I Have this product, how do I sell it?”
Wrong question! A much better question is, “Where can I find a hungry market of customers to sell to”
The Internet makes this easy and by doing your research properly first you will have a much better chance of succeeding. Product Creation is about finding a need and fulfilling it.
It seems everyone is looking for a market where there isn’t any competition. That may have been possible 10 years ago, but it’s not today. No matter what market you enter, you will have competition.
Our Product Creation module will help you make the decisions.
In fact, if I don’t see any competition in a market I get really nervous.
It means all the competitors most likely couldn’t build a successful business. The best case scenario is when you find a market with a lot of competitors who all do a poor job. Then you know you have an open market.
Since you’re going to have competition, you have to figure out what your unique advantage is. Why should a customer choose you over all the other options available to them? This product creation module will help with that.
Product Creation Idea 2: Prolific Product Development
Don’t build a business on only one product. Develop multiple products and services for your audience.
Secret: Dont do it all at once do it one product at a time.
Which one is safer, earning $10,000 a month from one product or earning $1,000 a month from 10 different products?
It’s hard to tell which product is going to be the big winner, but if you’ve developed 10 products one or two of them is much more likely to become that big home run winner for you.
Secret: most digital products have a limited shelf life.
But the problem is how do you develop all these products? You have to develop a system to do them quickly. Research your market to find out what people want. Create it quickly. Get it out there and selling. Upgrade – Do it again.
Product Creation is not about making the 10 products tomorrow but creating and releasing slowly so you can track each ones performance then leverage your success.
Product Creation Idea 3: High Conversion Made Simple
Traffic eventually ends up at whoever has the highest conversion.
They can bid the most on the PPCs. They can afford to hire the most effective team for promoting their site. They’re the ones everyone wants to promote as an affiliate.
That’s why a majority of the business books I end up recommending to clients are copywriting books. If there was one skill you could learn that would almost guarantee the success of your internet business, it would be copywriting. Everything on the Internet is basically text, graphics and media. Product Creation involves a lot of writing and we will help you with this.
If you can sell, you can create profitable online business. If you can’t sell your way out of a paper bag, it’s going to be tough making ANYTHING you do profitable.
You have to sell yourself. You have to sell traffic on visiting your site. You have to sell people on joining your list. You have to sell people the products or services you’re offering.
If you don’t want to have anything to do with selling, you’re in the wrong business (although we are talking about automated selling – not in person selling and rejection).
Product Creation Ideat 4: The Truth About Traffic
Let’s now do a little correction to that big question on every marketer’s mind. “How do I generate more traffic?”
Wrong questions produce wrong answers. And it’s not just traffic you want at your site. A much better question is, “How do I generate more BUYERS at my website?”
It’s not the traffic that’s important. It’s the quality of the traffic. Let’s say one site gets 100,000 visitors a month and another one only gets 500.
Who is more successful? You can’t tell from just that statistic. What if we add in that 100,000 visitors a month are coming from a site such as Digg which generates traffic quickly that is often quite unresponsive to any offer? And what if the site generating 500 visitors was a real estate agent who focused only on selling million dollar homes to relocating executives?
So that’s why you must quit focusing on “generating traffic” and start focusing on generating more buyers. So how can we send more buyers to our website?
You may be selling the same product however product creation is about all aspects. Quite often the site that gets the 100,000 is very generic and the one that gets the 500 is very targeted and adds value.
Product Creation Idea 5: Create Systems That Do the Work For You
Your next step in leverage is bringing in team members. As a small Internet Lifestyle business you may never want a single employee.
It can all be done by outsourcing. Need someone to manage your own customer support ticket system? Outsource it.
Need someone to modify your website or do your daily marketing activities, bring on a virtual assistant from anywhere in the world. Need someone to track down experts for your interview products? Create a step-by-step system for it and hand it off to your assistant.
Don’t like writing your own emails? Have a team member do it for you. Absolutely everything in the business can be turned into a system. Some projects are more difficult than others to hand off, but all of them are doable.
Secret: Make sure you understand your business to get the best worker and manage them.
Design of your products is just as important as the content
Design of your product whether websites, blog, software ebook or packaging is a very important part of your business.
We will look at this aspect all through your coaching and by learning this you can do it yourself or at least understand how to do it so when ordering from a contractor you can understand the process thereby saving you some finances.
We create boxes, eBook covers etc for all our products and will show you how its done in many of the tutorials.
No one judges a book by its cover, right?
Right. Well, your ebook, audio product or video course had better be properly packaged or your sales will most definitely suffer. Just because you’re selling digital e-products doesn’t mean that the critical role packaging plays in the marketing process has changed.
Obviously in this section it is hard to be too specific as you could be setting up a blog to sell products and services, how to grow the best potatoes in the world or dealing with multi nationals. For this reason I will go more into the principles and provide the resources for you to accomplish the right design.
Whether your selling someone else’s product or developing your own try and provide nice eye candy for your customers. A nice eBook or box cover can make all the difference to a successful campaign. Creating an attractive template for your eBooks only takes a few extra minutes of work but the overall look can be greatly enhanced and make your product look much more professional.
A simple, yet well designed header, can make your site stand out from the crowd and and make people feel confident that you know what you are talking about.
If you can get your hands on a copy of Adobe Photoshop it will be a great investment. You don’t need the latest version and you can pick up older copies at auctions, classifieds, garage sales etc.
I use Photoshop CS 2 and you can pick up a free copy sometimes as they have stopped supporting it.
To get the free downloads, you need a free Adobe Member account. Once you sign up you can download the entire suite or individual applications for free.
The software’s a bit outdated at this point, but if you have an older computer or you simply don’t need all the new bells and whistles, CS2 will certainly fit your needs plus hundreds of tutorials.
I have a lot of tutorials at the Photoshop tutorials to help you and there are thousands more all over the net.
If you can’t afford you can use the online program called Pixlr Editor
Word Templates
If your writing an ebook, report or anything for your business try and make it look as professional as you can.
When I was researching this product I was amazed how many poor quality products were online. This is good for us because it is not hard to stand out from the crowd.
There are so many great resources out there that help you make your products look like they were designed by a professional.
Templates are quick and easy way to make your product look good. Here are a bunch of templates form the crew at Microsoft.
For example say you were going to do a blog on Real Estate then they have a great template for a RE newsletter. You could do a weekly newsletter and send out a download for the pdf file.
Creating PDF Files
Adobe Acrobat is the best for doing this and again there are a lot of old copies out there however you can also get some great free software packages that you can use.
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Introduction – Brain Storming & Keywords – Books Magazines – Videos
Affiliate Products – Physical Products