Set Up – Introduction

Introduction – Get OrganizedWhere to start Action PlanResearchHosting and Domains


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Hi! My name is Quentin Brown and I will be your head coach. My wife above in the back is pam and we want to welcome you to this training.

Since 1998 I have built a number of very successful and some not so successful online businesses. The beauty is even some of the not so successful ones did turn around over time. They are cheap to keep stored so only delete when I am tired of waiting or sell.

For example I started my QR Code business in 2011 and nothing happened and in 2019 only had a handfull of clients. I was going to stop promoting it etc in 2020 and the covid and it took off.

I will provide you with the foundations of how you can start your own online presence or get your current business or organization online or become a consultant to help others…..

I started part-time while working as an accounts clerk for an aid organization and then went full-time in 2003.

My suggestion is you read through all the information in this foundations section then sit down and make some decisions what you want to do.

Everything you need is in this course to do a little or do a lot.

As I said on the sales page if you set it up correctly your online business will support you for years. So lets start…..

What are you interested in? 

What are you passionate about? 

Your network is your net worth!

Get involved with something you love to do.

Become Great at one thing then Branch Out

You have decided you’re going to start this project and congratulations. Here is a little bit of advice before we start.

So many people I coached in the early days picked money-making ventures and have been reasonably successful but they are not really that interested in the topic they selected. So what have they done? Created themselves a JOB.

When you do something you love, it is amazing how success follows.

People are drawn to others who are doing things they love doing. More importantly, if it takes some time to succeed you are willing to wait because you love it.

To avoid information overload

There are many things that will catch my eye, but there are only a few that catch my heart.
It is those I consider to pursue.” QB

Basically you are looking for a niche that you can dominate.

What is a niche?

niche market is a focused targetable portion (subset) of a market.

Example: You own a fashion shop so concentrate on one style like maternity ware etc. As you get this running well expand either with a new website or add to your current one. Find complementary products. Maybe branch out to baby ware.  If you are just starting out pick something you are passionate about.

A niche market may be thought of as a narrowly defined group of potential customers. By definition, then, a business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers.

A distinct niche market usually evolves when a potential demand for a product or service is not met by any supply, or when a new demand arises due to changes in society, technology, or the general environment.

Niche market ventures may become profitable even though they are by nature small in comparison to the mainstream marketplace, due to the benefits of specialization and focus on small identifiable market segments; even without the benefit of economy of scale.

Niche markets may be ignored or discounted by large businesses due to what they consider to be small potential; this in turn is part of the process that makes the niche market available to smaller businesses.

The key to capitalizing on a niche market is to find or develop a market niche that has customers who are accessible, that is growing fast enough, and that is not owned by one established vendor already.

Example: Health is not a niche!

Niche markets are usually defined by a phrase, not a word.

So a niche market of health might be “How to deal with Diabetes for school aged children”.

Mobile Phones are not a niche however ringtones and wallpaper may be.

Remember that if your products take off you will have to service this business. Make sure you do not trade a job for a job.

The Next Big Trends

The next big trend is AI and we will go through some different ways you can incorporate it.

The key to any successful project is to develop a skill base to leverage off……

There are three types of people who are doing this course.

  1. The person who wants to set up their own online business
  2. The already established business or organisation that wants to go online or manage it.
  3. The Not For Profit organization that wants an online presence

No matter which category you fall into the basic principles will apply. We are going to attack it mainly from a business perspective and you can then apply the principles to your particular situation.

We offer three Main Services.

1. This coaching and product creation training program

2. A complete consulting and development service if you want us to do all the work for you. (Mainly for Established businesses)

3. Our Mentoring program which combines the first two and we also back it up with ongoing support.

Contact us if you need any help.


Let’s get started with what You Will Need!

The very first thing you need is a plan!  He who fails to Plan; Plans to fail

95% of people who start businesses online fail for one main reason. Because they are not investing much, except their time, they do not do their due diligence.

Secondly, they try to do too much rather than specializing in one thing.

It’s by doing small things consistently that produce the best results

Get a good plan and you will already be ahead of the pack.

I met the guys who set up YouTube when they were moving from the garage to their first office.

When you build a web business you should initially go to the whiteboard or a pad and ask some questions. Most people want to reach everyone, sell everything and be all things to all people.

That’s a bad plan and never works.


Think about your target audience. 

So for this course, I was looking for people with some spare time who want to leverage their time to generate additional income from home.

While this is our target audience we still get professionals, school children, business owners and those outside our demographic but we write to target audience.

Think about your own experiences.

You go to your favourite search engine and type in your search term, and if you’re like me, you appreciate the sites that provide you with the information you are looking for. There are also a lot of junk sites. I want to help you build one of those good ones.

So here are some questions to answer:

  • Who is your target market?

  • What is their age group?

  • Why are they coming to your site?

  • Where are they coming from?

  • What is your call to action?

Once you have answered these in a reasonable amount of detail you are ready to start. While you may target a white middle-aged married man with 3 children working in a job it does not mean that other people will not buy your products or visit your site.

What it does mean is that your copy, graphics etc are all targeted and that your site is focused.

What Skills do you need to develop?

  • How to register a domain name and get some Hosting.
  • How to build a website – Static and Blogging
  • Some basic graphic skills
  • How to research
  • How to set up ways to collect money
  • Manage customers and support
  • Social Media

Once you have all the skills and mastered how to use them you can sell pretty well anything from affiliate products to Cars on the Internet. In this course we will go through it all step by step for you.

8 Steps to Creating a Simple Business Plan

Your business plan is like a road map to long-term success. Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t have a map to find your destination and got lost wasting precious time and money? Well, the same can happen to your business if you don’t plan out your business strategies.

Why you need a business plan.

It gives you a clear direction where your business is heading. Many business owners just jump into creating a business without researching and making a concrete plan. Inevitably, they soon find that they are out of money and have no time or clear strategies how to market their business.

(this is by no means a comprehensive plan but a primer to get you started better to have a good one-page business plan than none.):

1. Name of your business

Create a name or re-evaluate the name of your business.

Does it integrate well with what you are selling?

Is it easy to spell and remember?

Is it a name that can be well branded over time?

Unless you have a lot of money try and make your name relevant to your product. You will get a lot more interest and not have to spend a fortune trying to brand yourself. Leave that for the big corporate companies.

So you will never be able to compete with another web designer so maybe target a speciality like website for dentists or business websites or use your location so Sydney websites etc

We do a lot more on this in registering your domain name.


2. Vision

What will your business look like 5 years from now?

Think of how you may want to expand it to include other branches or extra employees.

Here is mine:

The vision of Web Marketing For Profit is to provide a training program that can be used by orphans, young people, individuals plus organizations to help them develop online and offline skills. As they develop these skills WMFP can then expand into new areas using feedback and joint venturing with these groups to expand into new niches and markets.

3. Mission statement

This defines what your business really does, what activities it performs and what is unique about it that stands out from your competitors.

Here is mine:

Web Marketing For Profit is focused on helping people discover how to develop an online presence either for business or non-profit areas by using all the different facets of the Internet and media to present a step-by-step training course.

4. Goals and objectives

Clearly define what you want to achieve with your business. Make sure they are quantifiable and set to specific time lines. Set specific goals for each of your products or services.

Here is mine:

Our goal is to sell 200 coaching programs a year and develop 5 new Joint ventures. To achieve I want to sell 5 memberships a week.

5. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT)

By analyzing these characteristics in your business, you will get a clearer idea of what it will take for you to prosper not only to survive.

This could include such factors as: 

– your company’s own changing industry

– the marketplace which may change due to social and economic conditions.

– competition which may create new threats and/or opportunities.

– new technologies that may cause you to change products or the process

in how you do things.

Evaluating your SWOT will help you to: 

– build on your strengths

– resolve your weaknesses

– exploit opportunities

– avoid threats

Doing this analysis will help you create a more realistic strategic action plan.

6. Strategic action plan

This is the most critical step of your business plan, because without it, your business will not get off the ground. This should include your sales and marketing strategies


7. Financial Plan

A business can operate without budgets, but it is clearly good business practice to include it. With budgets, you will be more likely to achieve your business objectives, you will make more-reasoned decisions and you will have better control of your cash flow.

For any period, a cash flow statement would include: 

– The cash and credit sales (or accounts receivable) expected to be received during the period.

– The anticipated cash payments (for example, expenses for purchases, salaries, utility charges, taxes, office expenses etc.)

– A description of other incoming and outgoing cash, with a calculation of the overall cash balance.

This will assess how much money is on hand to meet your financial obligations – what cash has been received and what has been paid out. Knowledge of this cash flow cycle will help you predict when you will receive funds and when you will be required to make a payment.

8. Measuring and evaluation

You wrote your business plan and set the goals with the intent of achieving them. So now break them down into measurable pieces and monitor the results regularly. A plan that cannot be measured is almost always destined for failure. Celebrate your wins and recharge yourself to accomplish your next goal.

Decide beforehand what constitutes a real serious loss and what loss will be acceptable.

If you find your goals are unrealistic and unattainable, adjust them, but realize that it takes hard work to achieve them, so don’t give up easily.


Now that you have a business plan, make it a part of you by knowing and understanding it clearly. Build upon it continuously and refer to it often, so you remain on track and focused on building a profitable business.


One of the keys to building a great Internet business is your attitude.







Adding Value

Your Difficulties

Your Progress









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The secret to success is CONSISTENCY!

If you also add a dash of common sense you will find your business will grow and prosper. I still get sales from work I did 2 and 5 years ago through different things I have done. So many times I go to buy a product or get information only to find  they have closed their site or moved on to the next great product.

Many people choose digital products such as eBooks, training or software or tangible products however you can sell pretty well anything on the Internet so be open and remember when the student is ready the teacher will arrive.

There is a lady in a very small country town in Australia who sells scripts for dinner parties and makes a six figure income. I also have a friend who specializes in supplying writing pens and makes an excellent income online and off. There are so many opportunities it is simply a matter of increasing your skill level which is what this workshop is all about and then applying some effort.

I am sure once you have gone through this course you will be able to:

  • Set up your own Online Internet Business,

  • Put your church online

  • Raise funds for your charity

  • Be a lot more valuable to your current employer.

  • Sell a wide range of products and service.

Now you have a business plan and the right attitude we need to work on our marketing plan.

How to Create Your Web Site Marketing Plan

Creating a web site without developing a web site marketing plan is the same as planning for failure. A web site marketing plan is essential not only just to survive but to continue to thrive and expand your business. You should spend 80% of your time marketing your web site. It’s the life blood of your online business.

When to create your web site marketing plan.
Most of us probably create a web site first before we plan to market it. However just like a business plan, you should prepare your marketing strategy ahead of time.

What’s the benefit of doing this? 
The further you plan ahead the easier will all the pieces of your web site fall into place.

Give me an example please!
Recently I was working on an eBook. Before creating it, I worked on creating the sales page for the web site. This meant I had to think first of all the benefits the eBook would be to my customers plus research appropriate keywords to weave into my web copy for my web page to rank well in the search engines.

If I had done this backwards and created the eBook first, I would have wasted hours of time redoing my web copy to fit my web site marketing plan.

Here are 7 steps to creating your website marketing plan:

1. Begin with the end in mind – create a vision what you want your web site to accomplish. Define a vision statement i.e. “I will develop a highly profitable website within 6 months”.

2. Set doable goals – depending on your product or service, write down one or a set of goals you BELIEVE you can accomplish i.e. “I will turn a profit of $500/month at the end of 6 months”.

3. Choose a few marketing strategies – based on your research, pick a few strategies to begin with that you know you can accomplish. This could include optimizing your website for the search engines, placing an ad in an ezine, or writing an article to submit to online publications.

4. Create a timeline and set a deadline – create a horizontal line on paper or on a whiteboard (where you can easily view it each day) and divide this line up into days, weeks or months (or whatever duration you decide) of your marketing campaign. Then mark the beginning and ending dates of your campaign, plus what type of marketing method you are using.

5. Track your results – if you are running an ad either on the Internet or offline, track its effectiveness. Use ad-tracking software to track all the links you place online.  To know how visitors arrived at your website and what keywords they searched on to get there, analyze your website statistics. There is a full tutorial on this for you.

With offline ads, use a different code for each ad. If one ad doesn’t work well, rework your copy and try it again.  Once you find one that works, expand your advertising to other publications.

6. Calculate your return on investment (ROI). – don’t just blindly throw money into an ad and hope for the best. Keep track of how much money you initially invested in the ad and what profit you made in return. i.e. if you received $7 back in profit for every dollar you invested in your pay-per-click strategy, then you are running a very successful marketing campaign.

7. Constantly evaluate your results – after each marketing campaign, evaluate which strategies worked best and which ones did not. Repeat those marketing strategies that are profitable to get maximum results from them. Throw out or refine the ones that did not work well and try some different ones.


Write your vision, goals, strategies and time line on a piece of paper.
Keep this next to your computer so you can refer to it from time to time so you don’t lose your focus. It’s easy to get distracted, particularly when it’s no longer fun to act on your marketing plans and they just become a chore to do.

Be disciplined – stay focused on your vision, goals, strategies and deadlines. Staying on track with your timeline and accomplishing your deadlines, will give you a great sense of accomplishment. You also can be assured you are making progress towards achieving a profitable web site.

Try several strategies at the same time – by utilizing a few different strategies together, you have a better chance of getting more visitors to your website. For instance each week you could place an ad (free or paid) in an ezine and write an article. Daily you could participate in the various popular forums, newsgroups and message boards on the Internet and include a link to your website in your signature file.

After a while, you will find certain places respond to your message more than others so then you can utilize this for your business. Don’t get stuck in a rut!

Conclusion – creating, executing, tracking, testing and evaluating your website marketing plan will greatly enhance your chances of building a profitable online business.

It is not all Internet. 

The mistake I see a lot of people making is they believe they can do everything online.

Meeting people face to face is great and you can do this at all types of different functions and events. Remember where we started.

Your network is your net worth!

After talking to many successful entrepreneurs I have found that they spend a lot of time reading books and listening to tapes or CDs. This is another key to your success so here are four books you should look for. Remember that we are looking at you setting up a successful sustainable business so you will need to educate yourself with different resources.

Books to read:

  • From Good to Great by Jim Collins

  • The E-Myth by Michael Gerber

  • The Tipping Point How Little Things Can
    make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell.

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

A Note for Parents

This is an excellent starting point to teach your children web designing and coding concepts. It will be necessary in the future for most people to have basic knowledge.


While we are always trying to keep all the links up to date we can not always guarantee that they are valid in the version you get. Please advise us if you find any that are not working.

To your success

Quentin Brown

Set Up – Introduction

IntroductionGet OrganizedWhere to startAction PlanResearchHosting and Domains

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