Starting your online business can be daunting however I can help by providing support and tutorials you can do at your own pace.

Andrew Carnegie, America’s first great industrialist, nearly 100 years ago had 43 millionaires working for him – an unheard-of occurrence in those days.

A reporter asked him how he managed to hire 43 millionaires. Carnegie responded that none of them were millionaires when he hired them but observed that, “You develop millionaires the way you mine gold. You expect to move tons of dirt to find an ounce of gold, but you don’t go into the mine looking for the dirt—you go in looking for the gold.”

I have based my coaching on this sentiment and have seen many of our students go far beyond what even I thought could be achieved simply because we looked for the gold rather than the dirt.



Much of how our magazine works is based upon your course.

This is just one of the courses included with your membership in Web Marketing For Profit online business course.

I did your course over a year ago! Thanks to your wonderful information I now have an Internationally read magazine with writers contributing from all over the globe at Its a great vehicle to promote my business and lifestyle brand and ethics.

Your information was incredibly helpful. Much of how our magazine works is based upon your course.

These days we are now contacted by some of the worlds leading brands and products desperate to be in our magazine such as LG, Pandora Jewelry, Timothy Oulton and even Baz Lurhmans people. Keep up the great work.

Prescilla, Editor LILY Online Magazine 

Website Conversion

Website Conversion

Foundations of This Online Business Course

I have been selling online since 1998 and in 2003 was able to go full time. Before this I was just doing it part time to supplement my job as a creditors clerk in a charity organization. During this time I did affiliate marketing mainly and then built my first website and later developed my first product on how I built websites.

These is a great key to developing online products. Document things you do like hobbies, interests etc. and then you can deliver it as a product like a membership site, ebook or video course. I have done them all so can help you with every aspect.

Later we moved from Australia to Thailand where we started teaching orphans and youth all the things we had learnt. Many went on to work in various businesses and organizations, some started their own businesses and some used their new found talents to promote something they were passionate about.

After they had finished our course we started to get questions etc so we built this site to help answer the most common ones and then as time passed and a lot of their friends wanted to do the course we made it a lot more interactive with videos and specific courses for different topics.

Because english was not their first language and so many came from different places we had to make sure it was as easy as possible with lots of examples so it has ended up a resource for everyone interested in an online business.

Thailand online business students


So if you are looking for a course to help you start your own online business you have come to the right place. We have people who have built a  successful online business in just a few months. Of course they have had to put in some time and effort.

My personal experience was a lot slower but has provided a great life style. So if you want to get started and let us help you be sure to sign up below and then we can start together.

Its not just a course its a resource

Join the Web Marketing For Profit Institute

Today For Training And Coaching for Your Online Business

Only $25.00 USD A Month

With Hosting and WordPress Installed

Join Web Marketing For Profit

Once you have paid you will be Sent an email with your invitation

code to your online business training and link to the sign up form and Get Instant Access.

Online Business Course


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