USB Stick

Let Me Show You How I Learnt A Few Online
Business Skills Then Applied Them Over And
Over Again To Create A Successful Online
Business Over The Past 19 Years.

DIY Online Business Solutions


Special Opening Offer $100 off using Coupon “post”
Pay Only $97 AUD Free Postage World Wide

Meet your Coach

Hi. My name is Quentin Brown and I live in Brisbane Australia. Before I got involved with Online business I worked mainly in an office doing accounts and general admin.

Over the years I tried a number of network marketing positions and loved the concept but sucked at the practicalities.

How I started My Online Business

In 1998 I joined my first online affiliate program and made $59 USD in my first month. I was hooked and took the family out to dinner.

Also in 1998 I built my first website while working for a start up Charity organization. The site was quite successful and bought in a lot of other business.They were nearly all Non Profit organizations. Specialize then expand.

I could not handle all the work so wrote my first eBook on how to build your own website called My Website Manual. This book was downloaded over 10,000 times mostly free but quite a few paid. Back then no Paypal etc so much harder to get paid globally. 

2003 I Went Full Time Online Business

I built my business up and was able to go full time Internet Marketing in 2003 with a Streaming Audio product called MP3 Sound Stream. The charity organization where I worked as my first Web Marketing customer. I have been running my business ever since developing a client base in over 34 countries.

My Business has also given me lifestyle

I have also traveled the world speaking at conferences and different company events. Here I am enjoying myself at Harlong Bay, Vietnam. You can also achieve this.

Online Business with Quentin Brown

I also have Clients

My time online has been divided between clients and my own business product development. I have developed a number of products such as software, coaching and training. I sold off most of my business in 2013 and now spend the majority of my time doing volunteer work and helping young disadvantaged people build their own online businesses. We have now opened this up to you.

Software I have developed

Now I am not a programmer however I was able to outsource some of the production and development. I also found some stuck in the back blocks of various software data bases.I simply repackaged and sold. These are some of the older products we developed. These all supplied us with a great income.

webmarketing for profit products

Charity work underpins my business plan

I have continued on with my charity work, helping young people develop small businesses in third world countries. Working from home has provided flexibility and opportunities. I like seeing these young guys and gals using what I can teach them and apply it. I also hope I can help you to achieve your goals too.

I use this information everyday. I practice what I preach.

This is not a do 10 minutes work and make a million dollars though I wish it was. It is more about the hows. So many of these programs go through what and where but leave out the details of how. We will show you how to do all the tasks with videos so you simply follow on. It is the guts of what makes a great online business and is how we have built a number of projects that have made us a lot of money. Here is what you get.

Each module is a business in itself which we have run. We also combine them to create other businesses. I learnt how to sell affiliate products first and then started building websites and getting my own customers. I then learnt graphics and developed more products and services. Adding to this eCommerce, social and digital marketing + much more.

We now train a lot of people both locally and through charity

We have trained thousands of people in everything from streaming audio to mobile websites to product development and much more over the years. After having a whirlwind online business from 1998 to 2006 my wife and I decided to move to Thailand from Australia and train orphans and disadvantaged youth what we had learnt with our online businesses.

Thailand online business students

To help them in their learning we started to develop a number of training modules with video tutorials showing them step by step how to use the online tools and develop products and services. Some took this back to their NGOs and became the online experts and others used it for for their business.

One young man in Thailand started his own wedding and party invitation card business after learning the secrets of photoshop. Another built web sites and skateboard training on the border of Thailand and Malaysia. One of the girls went back to her organization and became their media manager. A young man in America who was inspired My Web Site Manual and how we distributed it online went on to be one of the top online marketers. We have so many great stories from around the world.

We also support a children’s home in Pattaya and a portion of your payment will go towards supporting them. 10% of our profits will go to support the home in Thailand.

Childrens home Pattaya

We provide these lessons Free to the young people in third world countries and to help sponsor them we release these tutorials to the public and sell them through this site. We have now transferred them all over to one package.

Here is a small collection of courses we provide
and you will get them all on the USB Stick Mailed Free To You Anywhere in the World Plus access online for different devices.

online-business-tutorials online-business-tutorials1

There are over 10 of these courses @ $27 each however on the stick you get all of them plus more for just $97.00 AUD which is a saving of over $170.

So this is now open to you.

Because the world is changing this is the Perfect Time
to start a new Online Business.

“Nano Commerce” Will Overtake Big Retailers

Thanks to the continued growth of marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, together with user-friendly platforms such as Shopify, many new merchants will emerge. These new merchants have a great opportunity to create a nano-commerce environment, usurping large and traditional e-retailers.
Alan Wilson, Founder, Expandly

This is not just one course but a mixture of
many different courses.

A quick testimony from a student about one of our
included courses on Cyber Security craigThis course is an absolute powerhouse of
well organised and in depth informationpixel

I thought I’d send over a quick testimonial in case you need it. Absolutely superb product buddy:
As time goes on, so Cyber-Crime will increase. The criminals are well aware that ordinary people, and business leaders alike, are not taking cyber-crime seriously.
There is a real need for experts who can educate those that either, don’t have the knowhow, or the time to pursue this most interesting subject. This course is an absolute powerhouse of well organised and in depth information and, in addition, there are several videos presented by professional IT specialist who put their knowledge across in a very understandable way.
Not only that, it is relevant to the P.C., Mac and Mobile, it directs the reader to free training courses in order to supplement what this product offers.
I would honestly say that the price of this course is the most sensible use of money that anyone in the computer world could spend, whether they wish to ensure the safety of their own set-up, or to become an expert in the deterrence of cyber criminality.
Craig Lingard
Innovate Web Media Limited

Multi Device Viewing

Multi Device WMFP

You can use the USB on your computer or access it on any device online.
P.C. – Mac – Linux – TV – Computer – Laptop -Tablet -Phone

A testimony from one of our clients

I would like to say about my experience with Trevor and Quentin from Web Marketing for Profit.

Since coming in contact with the team I have had a fast ride to an elevated standing within cyberspace.  Within 3 months and our business web site is mostly on the top line or 1 below top on google, I have no doubt that their methods are very precise and there is not much pain with the whole thing (financially). Currently I am experiencing the highest cash sales I have ever, in 30 years of business. So look out what else may take place when things really kick in.


Regards and thanks for your good work
Ross Clothier   CEO
Ross Tuffbond.

web marketing business

Unsolicited Testimony

Interactive Tutorials

These are all interactive tutorials most with how to videos to make it easy and quick for you to develop the right skills. Continual updates and the latest information as we research  and share it all with you. We practice what we preach each and every day.

Testimony from Prescilla, Editor LILY Online Magazine

Much of how our magazine works is based upon your course.

This is just one of the courses included with your membership in Web Marketing For Profit online business course that Prescilla did. There are so many business opportunities online and each tutorial could be one on its own.


I did your course over a year ago! Thanks to your wonderful information I now have an Internationally read magazine with writers contributing from all over the globe at Its a great vehicle to promote my business and lifestyle brand and ethics.

Your information was incredibly helpful. Much of how our magazine works is based upon your course.

These days we are now contacted by some of the worlds leading brands and products desperate to be in our magazine such as LG, Pandora Jewelry, Timothy Oulton and even Baz Lurhmans people. Keep up the great work.

Prescilla, Editor LILY Online Magazine 

Its not just a course its a resource
& you get all the above plus Much More

30 day money back guarantee

$197 AUD Less $100 Bonus Offer (coupon “post”) for the USB3 Training, Access to free
Webinar Training and Q&A

Plus Private Forum

Once you have paid you will get Instant Access.
Special Opening Offer $100 off using Coupon “post”
Please allow 10 days for delivery of the USB and your
online account will be set up within 24 hours.

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Online Business Coaching and Training

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