Where I started

In 1998 I was working full time for a Charity and I loved my work however I also had a wife and four boys so income was not quite enough.

I started to look at all sorts of different businesses and back then online was just starting. I tried MLM and other forms of making money however they all relied on me and I did not have a lot of spare time.

I did learn that I could make more money by automating and helping others to help me using affiliates and joint ventures.

Started Building Websites

I was then asked to build a website at work because I was keen. I learned Front Page and enlisted some help from a few uni students and the page did well and so then other agencies started to ask me to build sites.

First Product

Because I did not have a lot of time this led to my first ebook on how to build a website. I sold quite a few and gave away a lot and after a couple years had over 10,000 downloads.

Went Full Time

After a few years I was making enough money and learnt enough to go out on my own and left work. Because I had set up so much in their office they hired me back as a consultant for a while. I also released my own software.

This happened because while working for the charity we wanted to add audio to the website but it was quite expensive and complicated. Flash just came out and I found this software in the backend of the music industry and bought it. I then got some uni students to update and do some artwork for boxing etc and released it in October 2003.

It became very successful and sold all over the globe.

I used a lot of the profit then to develop more products and services.

webmarketing for profit products

I Invested in My Own Education

Along the way I had to learn many different skills. At the time a lot of things were a lot harder than they are now. There was no Paypal or third party processors so I had to get an online merchant facility and the banks were very wary of online payments. I had to hold some money in the bank to under write my sales and also cover overseas checks.

I also had to learn copywriting, graphics and media however I started to talk to a lot of different specialists and learnt a lot of tricks. Today we use WordPress and things are much easier once you learn the basics.

Added Benefits of My Own Business

At the time I was doing it because I loved technology and meeting people from all around the world. I also started to find there were benefits I had not understood. I could claim tax deductions for my business plus all sorts of other benefits. I found a great online accounting program which collected payments and helped pay bills and also do any recurring payments so at the end of the year all I do is give my accountant access and its all there.

My Biggest Problem At The Beginning

Because I had never done anything like this before and when I started there was not a lot of information around so I had to use the old hit ad miss strategy. Today it is almost the opposite and there is way to much information.

Unfortunately with all this extra info come a bunch of scammers most of whom have never sold anything online. I am constantly researching and I can tell them after the first few words. This comes with experience.

I want to make sure you understand I am not one of them so here is my phone: +61 481269620 or contact us through our email and we can organize a Facebook or Skype or our conference room live chat.

When you buy the stick we look at all these things so you get the best start.

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